a bit of both worlds

A bit of a large update was made today… I learned alot of new ways of working with the Unity3d engine, and as a result I have now figured out how to make the BonusGems play a sound even after I have destroyed them. So no more laggy feeling of running through Coins/Gems and hearing the pop instantly but watching the gem disappear after half a second, or the sound getting interrupted because the gem disappeared.

I’ve also added a little Lives Counter at the bottom left of the screen, please let me know if its working on your end, as I had ALOT of difficulties figuring out how to place the text and having it scale depending on the user’s screen-resolution. Β Since there is now a visible cue telling you how many lives you have left, I decided to also add in a new Bonus item, the Extra Life! It looks like the Gem/Coin thing, except its green πŸ˜‰ (at least for now! :p )

I am aware that the lives reset to 3 everytime you switch map, this will of course get fixed once i fully understand how to keep specific objects alive or prevent them from resetting between map-loads πŸ™‚

Then you will most likely also notice that there has been made some changes to the text… and thats because I have figured out how to work with fonts and create custom GUI (Graphical User Interface… the stuff you click on and look at :p the menu thingy)

Oh, and I also managed to do a little concept drawing of what I am aiming to make my Main-Character in this little game, for when I figure out how to do 3d models AND animate the darn thing πŸ™‚ Baby steps… baby steps πŸ˜‰ I’ll get there eventually, but for now my priority is on the game design, rather than the graphics… πŸ™‚

I had fun drawing this. I was inspired by Mario and most of the short/stubby characters with big heads and a cute appearance.. Havent thought of a name yet, so feel free to let me hear your suggestions πŸ™‚


So all in all, a nice productive day πŸ™‚


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