Userfriendly, Userschmiendly!

Helloes All πŸ™‚


As you might have noticed, I have now added a little graphical button next to the link that leads to the game demo… Hopefully this will help new users in quickly finding the game to play it πŸ™‚


Also, today I did some learning, which resulted in me being able to finally make a proper End of Level Portal that can be reused in all of my levels (Thanks to the PreFab system and a nice scripting tutorial πŸ˜€ )


There are now a total of 3 playable levels/maps in the game, none of which are complete, but at least they work in terms of transfering you from level to level πŸ™‚


Also did some playing around with the moving platforms, to add a little bit of variation to the map. (the 3rd map is reverse of the previous maps, meaning you will need to make your way DOWN, instead of UP… pretty easy :p )


Anyways, all in all, not a super productive day, but still got some stuff done on the game :D. In my defense, I did get home from work about 1 hour later than usual, due to having participated in a First Aid course at work which will hopefully grant me a Certificate in First Aid… A nice little upgrade from what i was taught 10 years ago in the army πŸ˜‰


  1. I really enjoyed the updates, today, on both articles. thank you! sometime today i will try to get past the first level so i can fully appreciate your progress. on the first aid note, does this mean you can give me CPR, if i pass out in front of you and stop breathing?


    1. Yeah, I’m certified to perform first aid on people now πŸ˜› But if you or anyone passed out in front of me, I would probably attempt to perform first aid even if i wasnt certified πŸ™‚ Something is better than nothing when it comes to an unconcious person who is not breathing πŸ™‚


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